Tuesday 8 May 2012

PPD2 8th May / T4

PROGRESS- sending things out

1. present and review your mailout and any material that you have produced to send out to possible clients?

A simple PDF of my work, with briefs and concepts on each page, including a information CV area.

2. List 5 activities that you have undertaken to secure opportunities for studio visits, etc. Where is the evidence?

I have a website: http://cargocollective.com/sarahlroberts
I have a pinterest: http://pinterest.com/nodefinition
I have twitter: #sarahlrobertsgd
I have tumblr: http://whereveritravel.tumblr.com/
I have behance: http://www.behance.net/sarahlroberts

3. List 10 design companies you have contacted / will contact (outcomes?)

Andcreative (and partners)

4. What have you done to follow up on any contacts made?
Placement in Easter (and partners)

5. What problems have you experienced? What have you done to address them?
You have to really stand out for studios to reply to your emails. It's tough, but they can be picky, in the end if they do not like one thing, you wont hear from them.
I have double checked everything, twice.

6. List 5 things you are going to do next and what you aim to achieve from them.
I want to continue to contact other design studios, some closer to Bolton.
I want to work out html coding and make my www.sarahlroberts.co.uk.
I want to start using Twitter regularly.
I want to teach myself how to draw well using illustrator and gradients.
I want to brand myself better.

7. Results should be posted to your blog and discussed with JnJ.

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